3 THE RANK THEOREM 279 Now consider K" as the product E1 x E2 with El = Kp, E2 = K*"*; we are going to prove that the mapping (zl9 z2) -+fi(zl9 z2) =/(w~1(z1, z2)) of F into F does not depend on z2, i.e. that D2/1(z1, z2) = 0 in F (8.6.1). By defini- tion, we can write f(x) =/i /- H(f(x)\ I G(x)\9 hence by (8.9.2) , 1 = D,/, for any t e E. This yields (10.3.11) D2/i H(/(x)), 1 G(x) • 0(0 = S, - #(/'(*) - 0 where Sx = rL,, - Dlt/i I - H(f(x))9 - H(f'(x) - 1) = ^'(^) • ^ is a bijection of N onto E! for x 6 U0 , and this proves 5X = 0. From ( we then deduce for a/7^ r e E; but G maps E 0wfo E2 , hence by definition, which is a linear mapping of E2 into F, is 0 for any x e U0 . The relation D2/1(z1, z2) = 0 in I" then follows from the fact that ), I G(*)) is a homeomorphism of U0 onto an open set containing F. We can now write fi(zi) instead of/1(z1,z2) and consider/! as a con- tinuously differentiable mapping of El = Kp into F; we then have f(x) = ! (- H(f(x))\ for x e U; in other words, y =/i (- H(y)\ for y e/(U). This roves that y-+- H(y) is a homeom zi ~+fi(zi) ^e inverse homeomorphism. proves that y-+- H(y) is a homeomorphism of /(U) onto lp c El9 and G(s) for any s e E, hence ^'(0) - c{ == et for